Thank You! You purchased our Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen which means the hard work for you is done. You now have pure, lab tested and high bioavailability collagen – the only thing left for you to do is consume it and start feeling the awesome benefits!
The vast majority of our customers find the collagen has very little taste and is easily mixed in hot or cold beverages. Still, as taste can be subjective, we want to offer up some tips and techniques here for easily working collagen into your daily diet.
Curious why high quality collagen might have a slight smell and taste?
Read our article on Taste is Subjective, Quality is Not.
A Spin For The Win
If mixing the collagen into a liquid, give your drink a quick stir and then add the collagen. That little tornado you create can help the collagen more easily dissolve… plus, it looks cool.
Got Floaters?
Do The Back of Spoon Push
Most times when adding the collagen to a beverage, after about 20 seconds, the collagen will naturally start to dissolve and sink to the bottom. Sometimes, depending on the liquid being used, temperature, and particular batch of collagen, you might find some dry powder floats on top. Not a problem - do the dance move that is sweeping the nation - the Back of The Spoon Push. Fine, it’s not a dance move, but it is a very easy way to get your collagen to dissolve, take a look…
Want Fast Dissolving Collagen? Hot Beverages Are Your BFF
The collagen will dissolve in hot or cold beverages, but if you are in rush - bring on the heat! This video shows how the collagen fully dissolved in just 60 seconds in hot water. When using a cold beverages, it takes about 10 minutes

Picking Up a Bit of A Taste
Give It Some Air
A general rule of thumb - the more time you let the collagen sit in a beverage, the less taste and smell it will have. By simply letting your mixed collagen drink sit, uncovered, for 10 minutes you will notice a significant decrease in any taste or smell.

Splash it Up For Better Flavor
Like your collagen a little on the sweeter side? Add a splash of maple syrup. More of a citrus gal? Splash in some lemon juice. You do you! As we all have different taste buds, we leave it up to you to add a splash of your favorite flavor.
Still having some issues with taste and smell? No problem, let’s jump into some specifics to help you out…
For Those With More Sensitive Taste Buds...
If you tend to pick up even mild smells and taste, no problem you can still absolutely enjoy all the health benefits of our collagen. Here are some tips…
Hot Drinks
Our collagen dissolves very quickly in hot beverages, so coffee, tea or hot chocolate are all terrific options…
Collagen Boosted Tea, Coffee or Hot Chocolate
This one is super easy…
- Start with a cup of your favorite tea, coffee or hot chocolate
- Add 1 scoop of Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen
- Give it a good stir so the collagen powder gets mixed in
- Let it sit for a minute – feel free to use these 60 seconds to meditate
- Now give it another stir – making sure all the collagen gets mixed in
- Within a minute or two the collagen will be fully dissolved and ready for you to enjoy.

If you find there is a slight gelatin smell, just let your drink sit for 5 more minutes and then enjoy. As Epictetus said, “no great thing is created suddenly.” I am pretty sure he was preparing his collagen when he said that.

Using a hot beverage is definitely the fastest way to get the collagen to dissolve. If you are short on time, bring on the heat!
Cold Beverages
Below are specific recipes and tips to help with any taste you are picking up.
Smoothies For The Win
Do a daily smoothie? Awesome. Simply mix in a scoop of our collagen into your daily smoothie. Your taste buds won’t even know it’s there – but your body will feel it and appreciate it!
Vanilla Magic Milk
This is quick, delicious and a favorite with the kids…
- Pour 8 ounces of Vanilla Milk (cow, almond, oats – whatever floats your boat) in a shaker cup
- Add 1 scoop of Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen
- Cover and shake vigorously for 20 seconds.
- Drink and enjoy the magic!
The vanilla does an excellent job of masking any taste and while we say it is great for kids…we define kids as anyone under 120 years old.
What makes this magic milk? The collagen of course!
Hip, Hip Hooray It's Magic OJ
Mixing collagen into your favorite juice is a great option, here are a few insider tips to help you get the best experience…
- Pour 8 ounces of your favorite juice into a glass
- Add 1 scoop of Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen
- Give it a good stir so the collagen powder gets mixed in
- Let it sit for a minute – feel free to use these 60 seconds to meditate
- Now give it another stir – making sure all the collagen gets mixed in
- Congrats – you just unlocked 5 minutes of me time. Take the next 5 minutes to –
- Take a before picture, in a few weeks you are going to be amazed at the improvements
- Organize your mason jar collection
- Scan your Instagram feed and love all the cat videos
- Power Nap
Serious Note: You are letting the Collagen sit for 5 minutes for two reasons. First, you want it to fully dissolve. Second, you are letting any gelatin smell from the collagen dissipate. In truth, if you are “tasting” the collagen, it is more likely that you are smelling it and that triggers a taste reflect. By letting it sit you are reducing the smell which greatly reduces any taste.
- Give the juice one more stir and then wait 2 minutes and enjoy the magic of your supercharged juice!
In under 10 minutes you can have a juice infused with pure healthy collagen!

Wait, Why Does High Quality Collagen Have Any Taste, Smell or Color?
Learn all about the Dalton Dance and more in our article – Taste is Subjective, Quality is Not.
Less Sensitive to Taste, But Love Convenience...
If you don’t pick up or care much about a subtle taste or smell, then life is pretty easy for you…

Using hot water is definitely the fastest way to get the collagen to dissolve. If you are short on time, bring on the heat!
Pure Collagen H2O
Fine, it’s just collagen and water – but H2O sounds so much more elaborate :)
- Pour 8 ounces of water in a glass
- Add 1 scoop of Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen
- Give it a good stir so the collagen powder gets mixed in
- Let it sit for a minute – feel free to use these 60 seconds to meditate
- Now give it another stir – making sure all the collagen gets mixed in
- For the next 2-3 minutes, just stir until the collagen is fully dissolved
- Drink and enjoy!
Again, if you are picking up any smell, just let it sit for a few more minutes, like a fine wine, and air out.
People Are Raving About Our Collagen...
Leda Lum, Founder of Leda Lum Apotheca, Actress and Producer
Hear why Anna loves our Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen
A full review of Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen
Cheryl Turner, Free Range Diva