Good Dad

Welcome Good Dad Project listeners!

We're so happy that you are a part of this community, and dedicated to being your best self in ALL areas of your life. As you know, health and fitness are a huge part of that. We've partnered with Perfect Supplements in order to deliver you the very best when it comes to whole food-based supplements and superfoods. This is not meant to replace a healthy diet and lifestyle, but to give you the extra edge you need to have the health and energy you deserve.

As we've discussed on the show, we are huge fans of the Perfect Spirulina and Perfect Cordyceps.

If you want to learn more about these ingredients, here are some great articles to explore:

5 Must Have Benefits of Spirulina
Cordyceps Sinensis, Your Secret Weapon For Better Health

Below you can order these supplements and more from Perfect Supplements.

Make sure to enter coupon code GOODDAD to save 10% off your purchase.