Nose-to-Tail Eating isn't a New Fad, it's Been Around Forever

For thousands of years traditional peoples having revered the benefits of eating the highly nutritious organ meats as a path to wellness. Glandular therapy dates back thousands of years, having been used by the ancient Hindus, Egyptians, and Greeks.
Why would I want to Eat Something that is called "Offal"??
Partaking in organ and glandular meats is still widely used today as a treatment option in Europe, though it has fallen by the wayside in most American dietary and healing practices.
Dr. Weston A. Price, who traveled the world over to study dietary practices of healthy people from traditional cultures, noticed that the healthiest people regularly consumed organ meats and valued them very highly as being some of the best health building foods.
In traditional cultures, people who were sick were given liver to eat; those with weak hearts were given heart to eat. Glandulars’ use in traditional medicine was used to treat iron-deficiency anemia by giving bone marrow extract; desiccated thyroid was and is still given by many physicians in support of hypothyroidism. (1)
Indigenous People Consume Ten Times More Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Dr. Price discovered that indigenous people were consuming more than four times the amount of minerals like calcium and magnesium, including trace elements we very much lack in today’s nutrient poor diet.
But most surprising was that the indigenous were consuming more than ten times the amount of fat-soluble vitamins such as A and D than their Western counterparts! These fat-soluble vitamins are present only in significant amounts in animal fats (like fish oil, egg yolks, lard, and butter) and particularly in the fat-rich cell wall membranes of organ meats such as liver and kidneys.
Glandular tissues are metabolically amongst some of the most active tissues of an animal or human being. They are very dense and are most are rich in nutrients including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, polypeptides, nucleic acids (RNA & DNA), enzymes, and many other miscellaneous nutritional contingent factors.
Purity of Source:
Interest in grass-fed, GMO free, and pesticide-residue free organ meat and glands have expanded in depth and breadth of options to typically include: adrenal, thyroid, thymus, pituitary, liver, pancreas, spleen, kidney, lung, heart, and prostate. All of the glandular substances we use are derived from bovine (cow) and sheep (ovine) farms from New Zealand, (one of the only countries in the world that is certified BSE free), and are 100% grass-fed and glyphosate free!
Knowing where your glandulars come from are essential. The livers and kidneys of animals that are commercially raised in the United States have a tendency to accumulate heavy metals, antibiotics, and especially the sulfa drugs.
To try some for yourself or to learn more, head over to our full Perfect Multi-Organ page and see for yourself all these benefits and more!