Perfectly Pure Certification

Perfectly Pure Certification

What does Perfectly Pure Certification mean?

Independent 3rd Party Lab Testing on Each Batch of Finished Product, Publicly Displayed For All To See.

That single, rather boring sounding sentence may not seem revolutionary… but it is!

Let’s break it down into these 4 parts…

Independent 3rd Party Lab Testing…

This means our testing is being conducted by an accredited, independent, 3rd party lab that has no financial interest in the product or our company. Simply put, they are accurate and objective.

On Each Batch…

This means we do microbial tests for every single batch, of every single supplement we make.

You can search for your batch # right here.

of Finished Product…

Our lab testing is done on the finished product - exactly what you would be purchasing. This is important because even if the ingredients are tested as clean, impurities could enter during the encapsulation and bottling phase. By testing finished product, we are testing the exact product you are consuming.

Publicly Displayed For All To See.

Simply put, we place the exact 3rd party lab results on our site, for all to see. While this might sound obvious, we are amazed at the number of companies that claim to have 3rd party lab testing, but do not show the actual lab results on their site. As always, we believe in total transparency.

What Are We Testing for Under the Perfect Purity Certification?

We are doing what is called microbial testing. Microbial is simply relating to microorganisms, which are very small living things. We are looking for the “bad” microbes, which if present in significant numbers can cause problems.

For example, we are testing for E. coli, Salmonella, mold, and other nasty microbes. 

If you are taking a nutrient supplement, the last thing you want to do is introduce potentially harmful levels of microbes into your body, so this is why we do this extra layer of testing on every single batch of finished product.

Great, But Don’t Other Companies Do This Level of Testing?

No, sadly, they don’t.

Sure, many of the better brands do some level of lab testing, but with the Perfect Purity Certification, we take our testing to the next level.

We encourage you to do your own research and simply ask other brands if they can satisfy every element of the Perfect Purity Certification – “Independent 3rd Party Lab Testing on Each Batch of Finished Product, Publicly Displayed For All To See".

Perfectly Pure Chart 

We Test What You Buy!
You are not buying raw material, you are buying a fully finished product, so that is why we do Finished Product testing.

Perfectly Pure Chart 


What’s Wrong With Internal Testing for Microbial?

The problem is simply the potential conflict of interest. You have employees of the company responsible for testing and reporting to the public if there are any microbial issues of their own products.

Don’t get us wrong, internal lab testing is much better than not testing at all… but Independent 3rd party testing is the best… and don’t you deserve the best?

Do We Test For Other Things?

Of course. We have lab testing for Heavy Metals, Glyphosates, Key Nutrient Levels, and more under the Lab Tests tab for each Perfect Supplements product. We do random batch testing for the various other tests show on our site.

Total Transparency = Peace of Mind

Any customer who has put their trust in us deserves the peace of mind that only total transparency can provide. We sincerely hope that other brands will follow our lead and provide this level of lab testing and transparency so you can be certain that the natural products you are consuming are safe and effective.

Show Me The Lab Results

Sure thing. Click on any of the products below to see the full Microbial testing.

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Acai Capsules

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Acai Powder

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Acai Revive

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Acerola Powder

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect African Mango

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Aquatic Greens Capsules

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Aquatic Greens Powder

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Baobab

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Bone Broth

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Bovine Gelatin

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Female Cycle Support

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Coconut Oil

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Cordyceps

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Desiccated Liver Capsules

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Desiccated Liver Powder

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Zincerola

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Green Coffee

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Liver Detox Support

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Magnesium Capsules

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Magnesium Powder

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Matchinga

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect MCT Oil

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Multi-Organs

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Mushroom Immunity

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Plant Protein

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect ResGrape

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect ResGrape Max

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Rhodiola Rosea

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Spirulina Capsules

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Spirulina Powder

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Three Grass Blend

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Type II Collagen Capsules

Microbial Lab Tests:
Perfect Vitamin D3 Drops