Organic3 GUTzyme HCL - 120 Capsules
is now
Smidge™ HCl + Enzymes
- Supports digestion of proteins, fats, carbs
- Enzymes for protein, fat, starch, sugars*
- Additive-free
- Great for travel & dining out
- Non-GMO
- Free of common allergens
Introducing Smidge™ HCl + Enzymes, for those who feel bloated, gassy, or have acid reflux after a meal.* So you can relax after eating and soak up all of the wholesome nutrients in your food. Smidge Enzymes + HCl is the only digestive supplement on the market that combines a balanced dose of HCl and pepsin, along with vital enzymes that support stomach acid production and help digest protein, fat and carbs. (Other supplements contain higher doses of HCl, which can be harsh and cause heartburn.) Who takes Smidge™'s multi-enzyme with HCl and pepsin?
- Those seeking to restore their HCl levels and maximize absorption of nutrients*
- Those aiming to reduce gas, bloating, belching and other occasional symptoms of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease)*
- Those on GAPS (Gut and Psychology Syndrome), paleo, ancestral or real food diets with higher fat and protein content (also those eating limited grains and carbs)
- Those on a daily regimen of medications (which can interfere with digestion)*
And, folks with lots of stress often have issues with stomach acid and try this multi-enzyme with HCl. They may be taking in lots of carbs and dealing with food allergies, sugar cravings and mild nutrient deficiencies, too.
Here's how the HCl helps to calm these common symptoms, in tandem with our thoughtful enzyme blend:
- HCl promotes the production of stomach acid your body is craving (The stomach is all about acid! It's designed for a normal pH of 0.8, which is almost pure acid)*.
- It supports the digestion of protein, the only nutrient that must be prepared by hydrochloric acid before your stomach's naturally occurring enzymes can do their thing.
- It helps trigger critical digestive activities like releasing pancreatic enzymes and bile to break down food into smaller particles, which are more easily converted and assimilated into useful nutrients in your intestines.
- HCl may contribute to easing further symptoms like occasional constipation and diarrhea, caused by inflammatory foods.*
- It also promotes gut health and may discourage the survival of harmful microorganisms.*
And here's how the components in HCl + Enzymes work together to break down each yummy bite:
- As we touched on above, HCl supports digestion of proteins in your tummy.*
- Pepsin and protease peptidase complex (with exopeptidase and DPP-IV enzymes) also support optimal protein digestion, as well as casein and gluten digestion.*
- Lipase (three types) helps to digest fats.
- Amylase, lactase and phytase aid in the digestion of starches, dairy and veggies.*