Because Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Even though the last few years were very challenging years, on many levels, we knew that we still had to do our part to reverse climate change and move toward more sustainable packaging. In fact, the dire consequences that came from not taking swift and proactive action on the pandemic, make it even more clear that if we want to protect our planet, we need to take action now!
To keep us on track, we made three commitments (Packaging, Energy Efficiency, and Renewable Energy) with the Climate Collaborative.

While there is so much more work to be done, we would like to briefly highlight the actions we took to meet our commitments…
Reduce the Climate Impact of Packaging
Moved MCT Oil from plastic bottles to glass bottles, eliminating the use of thousands of virgin plastic bottles.
Participated in numerous seminars and workshops to learn effective ways to reduce the impact of our packaging.
• LEAD On Climate Day 2020
• Trends in Food and Beverage
Launched Every new product since 2019 exclusively in easy to recycle glass bottles, eliminating the use of thousands of virgin plastic bottles.
Donated to 4Ocean to help pull 3,000 lbs of plastic from the ocean.
Eliminated the use of of all plastic bubble wrap in our shipping department.
Outreach to suppliers asking them not to use packaging peanuts when shipping goods to us.
Ordered a full Recycling and Waste Management audit on our facility by Recycling Works, MA. Report included specific ways to further reduce the impact of our packaging on the environment.
Created educational videos on fun ways to reuse our remaining plastic bottles.
Joined the Climate Collaborative in 2020 (and still an active member in 2023) to work toward new, innovative ways to reduce the impact of our packaging.

Purchased and put into use cardboard perforator machine. This allows us to reuse cardboard from incoming shipments and eliminate the need for plastic bubble wrap. Watch this quick video.
Sponsored The One Step Closer to Zero Waste Packaging campaign. Proud to be part of this program that aims to create a platform for action and generate inspiration for the reduction and/or elimination of single use plastics in our products, packaging, and personal lives.
Reduce waste with extreme reduce, re-use, and recycling efforts. We typically have only 1 bag of trash outgoing from our entire office & warehouse space. Re-use efforts include offering pallets for free to local businesses. Extreme recycling includes storing all of our received pallet plastic wrap and styrofoam and driving it to local recycling facilities.
Diligently pursuing ongoing research to find ways to further improve our packaging in 2023 and beyond!
Protected 18,000 acres of Rainforest in Peru. This represents our fifth year as Corporate Sponsors of Rainforest Trust, an organization dedicated to "protecting the most threatened tropical forests." Read about it.
Increase Energy Efficiency
Optimized the heating system with new blowers and filters for our entire 17,000 sq foot office space, resulting in increased energy efficiency and less use of fossil fuel.
Replaced windows in office to increase energy efficiency.

Installed Mini Split Heating and Cooling units allowing us to only heat and cool the areas of the office in active use.
Replacement of 95% of florescent bulbs throughout office space to LED bulbs and LED fixtures.

Ongoing audits and research to find ways to increase energy efficiency.
Commit to 100% Renewable Power
Signed onto letter calling on congress to support renewable tax credits.

Actively lobbied for Policy Change on Climate and a price on carbon by participating in the LEAD on Climate 2020 Advocacy Day.

Replaced asphalt and rubber roof with 30 year roofing (a necessary first step for solar).
Audit performed to determine viability of installing solar panels on the roof of our office and warehouse.

Ongoing audits, price quotes, and research to find ways to hit our goal of 100% Renewable power by 2025.
Called Congress, as an active member of the #Call4ClimateNow campaign, made calls to Congress in 2021 to support big, bold action to stop Climate Change.

Demanded action on reducing carbon emission. In 2021, we joined over 400 companies in signing an open letter to President Biden to cut emissions by 50% by 2030
Completed solar panel installation in 2023. The entire Perfect Supplements office and warehouse is now 100% powered by the sun!